My next book, Kitchen Witch, is being released on July 6 so I thought I'd take a moment to talk up my publisher.
Musa Publishing: About Us
My transition over to Musa wasn't exactly a cakewalk through the park. I'd had some serious setbacks with my previous publisher, The Publisher That Shall Not Be Named (no, not Publish America, braise Jeebus) but I'd sensed a better opportunity when Musa opened its doors. I'd worked with Editorial Director Celina Summers on my first book, But I Never Said I Didn't Love You, and knew I'd want to work with her again if given the chance. When the rights to BINSIDLY reverted back to me by default, I took it to Musa and it was re-released last winter. Several hours after BINSIDLY had been accepted, I'd received word Kitchen Witch was going to be my next project.
Flash forward to this spring and I had the chance to work directly with Celina again on Kitchen Witch. To be honest, it was the toughest edit I'd gone through, "surviving" a more apt word. But given another chance? I'd go through it again. Sure, it got a bit disheartening the deeper I got into the edits and I really, really questioned my abilities as a writer but I'll have a brand new shiny book WITH MY NAME ON THE FRONT COVER AND EVER'THING! come July 6. I'm really proud of the work done on/to/for it, and I appreciate everything Celina and Kelly Shorten, the cover artist, have done for me. I hope to continue a long, fruitful relationship with Musa.
Again, take a look at their history and background by clicking the link above. Also, to have some fun and get to know some of my fellow Musa authors, our Erato imprint is having a blog scavenger hunt. Click the graphic below for clues and to join in!